Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Zotero citation/reference numbers in Persian

Zotero inserts citation numbers in word documents in English numbers (even when "Context" numeral is selected from File -> Options -> Advanced):
I had to change it to Persian numbers in my master thesis:

My colleagues modified their theses files manually! I tried to find a more convenient way and here it is:
This can be done by using REGEX expressions in Office Word 2013 Find and replace:
Find what: \[([0-9]*)\]
Replace with: [\1]
Then select [\1] in the replace box and then click on "More >>", set:
- Format -> Language -> Persian
- Format -> Font -> Comlpex font: B Nazanin, Size 12

How to disable Debian 12 sleep on production servers

 Debian 12 has power saver enabled by default which causes your server to go to sleep if there is no mouse / keyboard interaction. To resolv...